Two congregants listen to a sermon from the pews
A pastor wearing a rainbow stole
A mother and daughter sing a song in church
A woman prays during church
A choir sings while a man plays the piano
A congregant receives communion


Worship is the most radical thing we do. There is no to-do list. No multi-tasking.  Nothing required of us…. except to show up. And when we do show up, in person or online, we find music old and new, readings from scripture and contemporary texts, people to challenge and support us, movement and silence. God is there, too. God is everywhere, but sometimes it takes sacred space and time for us to notice.

At FCC Natick, we gather for worship on Sundays at 10:30 am (9:30 am, June 30-Sept 1), both on-site in the sanctuary and on-line via Natick Pegasus (community access). During worship we sing and listen, read and reflect, settle into silence and join together in laughter. We share our joys and concerns in prayer, combine our financial resources to bring healing and justice to the world, and get just a little nourishment for the week ahead.

Everyone is invited to participate fully; worship comes with no requirements about age, beliefs, membership, or baptism. We’ll guide you through worship if it’s unfamiliar to you, and if there is any part you don’t want to participate in, that’s fine too. We often find resonance with different parts of worship. We seek to create a balance, knowing that God can touch our hearts and lives in a variety of ways. You’ll notice that some folks dress up for worship, others are casual, but please come as you are!

Volunteers help lead worship by reading, lighting candles, welcoming people, and passing out bulletins (paper brochures that give information relevant to the worship service). There are opportunities throughout the year to participate in a variety of ways in worship. Contact Rev. Cindy if you’d like to know more.

Children and Youth

Children and youth are active participants in our worshipping community, whether they are reading scripture or sharing their thoughts or singing in the choir. Most Sundays there is Sunday School programming halfway through the service. But all ages are also welcome to stay in worship. Nursery care is offered throughout the service, for the youngest in our midst who would like to play together.

For more info about children and youth programming at FCCN, please reach out to Sarallyn Keller, our Director of Spiritual Vitality and Congregational Care,


Music plays an important role in our worship. The organ and piano stir our souls, the choir inspires us with their combined voices. And the congregation sings together!  We generally stand and sing all the verses of a hymn. Think you can’t carry a tune?  When we’re all singing together, it’s amazing what we can do!


Our worship space is fully accessible via elevator. There are spaces for wheel chairs throughout the sanctuary. We offer large print bulletins and Bibles. We support the Listen Everywhere app for hearing assistance: install it on your smartphone to listen with your own headphones. (You may download from the Apple Store or download from GooglePlay.) If we can help you more fully engage in any way, please let us know.


Communion is one of two sacraments – “sacred acts” – in our tradition (baptism being the other). This is a symbolic meal when we remember Jesus’ final meal with his friends. All are invited to participate: there are no restrictions regarding membership, baptism, or belief.

It is our tradition to celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of the month.  All are welcome to receive “the elements” (gluten-free bread and grape juice or wine). Sometimes the congregation comes forward to receive the elements; other times people are served in the pews. Instructions will be provided. Folks worshipping from home are invited to also have a bit of food and drink available.

Special Services

Throughout the year, we gather for special worship experiences, including:

Christmas Eve Service

On December 24 at 7 pm we gather in the sanctuary to listen to stories, sing carols, and light candles. All ages welcome to celebrate Christmas together!

New Year’s Brunch

On the Sunday closest to New Year’s Eve, we weave brunch into our worship service, along with communion!  We typically gather in the Vestry on the first floor, and welcome the new year together.

Ash Wednesday Lenten Service

At the beginning of the season of Lent, we share a simple meal together before gathering for worship.  Ashes from the palms of last year’s Palm Sunday are offered to participants.  With music and readings and prayer, we prepare for the sacred Christian season of Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter.

Maundy Thursday Holy Week Service

In the days before Easter, we gather for a simple meal and remember the final hours of Jesus’ life. We tell his story, extinguish candles, and leave the service in silence.

Check the Events calendar for information on upcoming special services and more.