Welcome to FCC Natick!
Find community. Make a difference. Remember you are beloved.
At First Congregational Church of Natick, no matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
Summer worship at 9:30 am
(June 30 – Sept. 3)
Our Ministries and Priorities
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Natick Nights on FCCN Lawn
On July 18th the Welcome team had a super Natick Nights with Big Bubbles and Sidewalk Chalk on the FCC side lawn. Lots of families and kids stopped by. Thanks to the Dubois family (Rick, Gretchen and Kathryn) and Cindy…
SNEUCC Annual Meeting recordings available
The 5th Annual Meeting of the Southern New England Conference (SNEUCC) took place June 21 & 22 and focused on growing the church. Articles, photos and videos are available on the Conference website.
Frederick Douglas Speech Read On Juneteenth Holiday
On June 19th, than two dozen Natick residents engaged in a relay-reading of Frederick Douglas’ speech “What to a Slave is the Fourth of July.” First delivered by Douglas on July 5, 1852, the speech emphasizes the brutality of slavery…